Monday, August 28, 2023

Hickory Abides

I made a super deluxe dog house out of a packing crate, but the Dog's didn't use it, nor did the cats that came after. Ginger the hen brooded a clutch in the bottom floor , and then it was unused again for some years, though i made it comfortable with old dog beds. Then the poor damaged cat I called Roody came around, at first slinking tail down around in the tall grass outskirts, then hissing and pissing right up onto the deck where the other cats gave way to him, though he was a surprisingly little stinker up close and he really did stink, He acted the asshole, but he was not well to begin with and fixing to die. He moved into the Dog House, top floor when he could get there, but he couldn't, or anyway didn't go anywhere else to either piss or shit. When he couldn't climb back up at all, and was mostly just going around in circles that got smaller and smaller, I let him in the house to finish dieing, and I hosed the dog bedding down good, then left it in the sun for a few weeks for the UV rays to work , then I put them back in, and still the outdoor Cats would not go in there, so then I sprayed it with a piss neutralizing enzyme, and after another few weeks, Hickory the indoor/outdoor cat began taking his morning and afternoon naps upstairs in the ..tiny house, from which he can keep his eye on the food dish and chase away the cat called Tramp who comes around, and whom he hates for some reason I don't know, probably not because he has a marking under his nose that makes him look like Hitler.

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