Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Cat Turned Back

Hickory skedadled because Malcomb the plumber came to stop a flaming gas leak, and Hickory doesn't give a crap about flaming or bloody gas leaks, but he is cautious about all strangers and deeply afraid of HOOMAN strangers, as well as clinking metal sounds, and when Malcomb had come and gone, I invited HJickory in, but he no sooner got in the door, than he changed his mind .... some kind of superstitous sign reading and he bopped right back out ... though a few minutes later, he agreed to come in the other door because, as anybody who knows, knows, or according to Hickory anyway: if you go in or out the other door, you enter a WHO)LE OTHER WORLD, Be careful Hoomans, and be sure to come back in the same door you went out.