Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Dogs Plot Daily Dash

The Old Boy’s Little Golden Book of Life and Time One of the first things I do each day, after the coffee and before washing yesterday’s dishes (if I do) is to have a deep thought and write it down, hoping that will lead naturally to my next piece of work, which could be another book start up, adding to the many that I have going, this one e being: “The Old Boy’s Little Golden Book of Life and Time” which will need to be short if I am ever to get it done. But, as time goes on I am struck by how little of it there seems to be anymore. I know that isn’t because there is a global time shortage, and it isn’t even because I am well into my personal end times, but rather that it’s because I don’t get much of anything done in a day’s time anymore, and that despite the fact that I put so much into thinking about it all. Maybe I should get someone else to do that for me. As for today’s thought: I was thinking something like “The Truth is Funny,” but maybe not. Your thoughts? Be quiet though and don’t just blurt them out; instead write them down when you get the time, and send them to your congressman. Thank you for your service over the years.

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