Saturday, July 10, 2021

Hickory the Vegetarian Cat

Hickory is not a true vegetarian, just a cat gormand, and like all cats, he likes his water flavored by what ever is living or has died in it. He particularly likes the little frog pond here that has all the duckweed growing on it, and Duckweed is called that because some ducks like to scoop it up with those flat bills made for just such a thing, but Hickory has no problem with lapping the Duckweed off the water, which leaves a little lake of open space for clear drinking, but then he eats some more Duckweed, and after eating a lot of Duckweed one needs to do some exrtensive scratch/stretching, I read that there is some promise in the possibilty of raising duckweed as a forage crop for other domestic animals, and I have tried it myself, but for me, it would need some processing, maybe through a Duck. I would never knowingly eat a cat, unless I were on Noah's ark, could find no land, and had already eaten the other animals from Ant, to Ant Eater to Zebra.

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