Tuesday, June 22, 2021

High Pressure Painters

Mnetha and Paul are pressure washing the Dogs Plot deck, sealing it, staining the rail, then painting the house, but I am hoping to keep them from pulling the rug out from under me for a while at least. And it sure is fun to watch the pressure washer do it's thing, properly handled by a pro, unlike a friend who nearly lost her thumb to one of these high pressure machines...the spray has such power. You are fortunate that I have, at least tried to turn off the audio in this because the machine is an obnoxious, polluting monster, although painters like fumes it seems. Our particular problem here is that our well is good for about forty five minutes, or less, of water, then the pressure washing is over for most of the rest of the day. That is a reasonable pace. Working remotely from my chair in my private Think Tank endevour, I found great satisfaction in going out every once in a while to watch the wood come clean and the oil stain drying on the rail, as the sun finally came out. My brother and two grandaughters dropped by and watched with me, sitting on some of the furniture we took off the deck: the first public performance I have attended since the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra came to the Morgan Opera House.

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