Sunday, July 5, 2020

Moth Madness

There are moths, and then there are moths; there are moths that go by
night and die of their attractions to light, then there are the day
moths, who are just as loony mad. Witness these fugged-up ,Buck Moon,
Cabbage Moths, rioting to the point of exhaustion over a native geranium
which they actually don't have much use for. We grow no cabbage at
Dog's Plot, so life is hard for them. And if it has all driven you all
crazy too, I guess you can do the crazy dance to. Go ahead, fling out
your arms and shout in mysterious tongues, just stay at home. But if
you grew too much cabbage and want to drop some off at our roadstand, go
ahead. Also Zuchini, believe it or not. Believe it. This season has
been hard on many ligving things trying to make a living and grow.

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