Thursday, April 30, 2020

Domestic Invasive Beaver

Adolescent beavers are sent away from the colony when they get to
plentiful and raunchy, like the young boy owls, skunks, racoons, and
most everything else. The beavers will make a pond by impounding a
water flow, or they will settle in your pond, if they like the trees in
your lawn. I have had most every natural critter show up in my ponds
here, including painted and snapping turtles, muskrats, and mink, but
never a beaver, although I have a lot of poplar and boxwood they might
like. The problem is that the ponds here are dug ponds without clay to
seal them, so they get too low in summer and during droughts. The
beaver you see here recently appeared in the pond of a family member of
ours which is a good steady well lined pond, but maybe without so much
natural food and lodge building materials. I have plenty and am
offering to send a supply, to keep the beaver from dragging away the
family lawn furniture.

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