Thursday, May 30, 2019

Green Super Wet Coyote Moon Retrograde

The over-saturated Spring has been bad for most new planting and a lot of perenials not growing on mounded ground, like some of our lowern patches of asparagus, which seems to have drowned and rotted. But one plant: the herb Pennyroyal (which we do not cultivate and has been present though not that common here in the past) finds this spring to be very much to its liking, is ramping over our borders, poking up everywhere, and confusing us. Like most herbs, Pennyroyal ha been used "medically" for most every purpose, but for two things in particular: contraception AND abortion. It's essence concentrated in oil can be fatal. So then, take it to prevent conception and i that doesn't work, take a double dose to abort the prgnancy, and if that does not work, take a whole lot more and just kill yourself.

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