In the traditions of Asia Major where they appeared before even little yellow people, chickens, and roosters in particular, are the traditional icons not so much off ferocity, as of contrary benevolent qualities. Humans would be lucky to have such well meaning friends, family members, and neighbors of such rich character and intelligent awareness as is attributed to chickens:
as in various summations of the Chinese astrological animal traditions, where the rooster epitomizes Courage; Generosity; Punctuality; Benevolence; and Wisdom ,
"-intelligence, chivalry, bravery, trustworthiness and benevolence"
And according to a modern evaluation, " honesty, ambition, curiosity, confidence, good judgment, self-reliance, courage, fear of commitment and dedication"
" Roosters" says that source, " are also eccentric deep thinkers and moody loners who always think they’re right" .
A Rooster, somebody out there generalizes, is * Intelligent, perceptive, honest, (has) excellent memory, (is) alert, organized, generous, attractive, confident performer ."
Never mind a few shady characteristics, that's already way beyond the requirements for an Eagle Scout .
Maybe we have even bred some of that good stuff into the birds. Maybe we project some and idealize a lot.
The punctuality of roosters is a myth for sure. (Our neighbors for a mile around know that our roosters crow at all hours of the day and night) .
I am foggy about the " fear of commitment" characterization, and I really doubt the honesty claim....... Roosters are probably more sincere than the human animal, but I don't trust one never to deceive.
There is definitely dark side to roosters, including not only their naked will to power, but their petty tendencies to be " boastful , showoffs, opinionated, critical" and much worse.
Some think them to be literally devilish, and can point to their often very red eyes. You should notice that some are brown eyed, and that if a red-eye pales it is because the bird has poor circulation, not because of a good heart.
The fact is that roosters signal everything all the time, long distance and close up, with their crowing and posturing. They will stand inflated on a hillock for long periods, and if they could, would hang flapping six feet up in the air with wings and talons extended like the eagle on a flag.
Small children - who are sensitive to obvious body language which people not so close to the ground don't notice - are often deathly afraid of roosters; and kids who have been attacked by roosters, even if they have not been eviscerated, are often afraid of all chickens, if not all birds, for the rest of their lives.
In Medieval times an unlucky rooster was even tried, convicted, and burnt at the stake for practicing witchcraft. In his case, he was accused of laying eggs. Maybe he/she did.
If all the cocks here at Roosterdorf, who weigh up to nine or ten pounds, would lay eggs, we would have a peck of quarter-pounders every day and a bushel of money by the end of the year.
The wild world net says that Romanian farmers have at some point made a practice of feeding their roosters alcohol soaked grain to make them go broody and tend to to eggs and chicks, which even some hens will not do. So the accused medieval Warlock may have been only a drunk rooster, but I don't think for a minute that roosters are incapable of witchcraft. Witchcraft , when it is not being good, iis basically intimidation , and roosters prefer intimidation to actual fighting. They will try to scare you to death.
There is evil in them for sure and I expect that if you were to give him alcohol any particular rooster would be just as likely to get very bitchy as he woiuld to get broody, and that most likely he would do like the rooster who comes up when I search "drunken rooster": a rooster belonging to some jungle missionaries, to whom someone fed a fermented pineapple.
He ran around wildly crowing and singing for an hour or so, then fell down, passed out, and got up later dazed and confused.
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